Case Study: Zoth Integrates EthSign

Case Study: Zoth Integrates EthSign


Zoth is an ecosystem that bridges liquidity between on-chain finance and traditional finance, effectively expediting the influx of assets and capital between these two sectors.

The inaugural offering, Zoth — Fixed Income (Zoth-Fi), represents an Institutional Grade Fixed Income Marketplace, that facilitates investor access to top-tier fixed income assets like Cross Border Trade Finance through Stablecoins.

EthSign is a decentralized electronic signature platform that provides transparency and security by removing dependencies on third parties to maintain and secure contracts.


As a company committed to transparency of asset details and ease of use for its customers, including Investors and Asset Managers, Zoth needed a blockchain-compatible method to facilitate contract signing and disclosure provision.

Zoth Integrates EthSign

Zoth integrated EthSign’s Signing Link into their application for customers to legally sign terms of use agreements, and to display a dataroom of disclosures to their customers. EthSign enables Zoth customers to “seamlessly sign relevant documents in a decentralized manner, providing improved visibility across all parties” — Koushik Bhargav, Co–Founder & CTO.

EthSign Signing Link

With EthSign Signing Link users can invite multiple signers at once via email or instant-messenger. Signers receive the link and login to EthSign via their email/socials, or any of our supported wallets.

EthSign links can be used in the following scenarios:

  • Batch send: every link generates a unique signing document.
  • Batch send: all link recipients sign the same document.
  • Share documents via view-only link. Viewers can download said documents.


As an institutional grade fixed income platform, Zoth is committed to providing investors with total transparency and comprehensive insights into the quality of the asset and borrowers on their platform.

“We understand that a well-structured and user-friendly data room is crucial to simplifying the due diligence process for our valued investors” — Koushik Bhargav, Co–Founder & CTO.

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